What was i Attached to? #6

Daily writing prompt
Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?

What was i seriously attached to as a kid? well i have to say my grandfather’s watch i was obsessed over it i always used to steal it off his dresser and hide it and he would get mad at me for it up until he got very sick and passed away he was 88 when he passed back in 2003 i was attached to it turned out in the will he left it to me , he left me his watch and to this day i wear it every day i take care of it and everywhere Iam it’s with me i would die without it it means the world to me something as special as this is you don’t just get or handed down he had this from age 32 so you know its old and it’s a old ww1 watch actually its interesting the story behind this watch I’ll write the story about the watch for you guys and how he used to pick of girls when he was in the military base training ! if you want to know more let me know


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