
When your mind don’t shut off we find our self’s in a lost adventure in our minds and we tend to loose all control of our emotions and we feel numb weather we know it or not we have issues with our emotions and understanding it we don’t know who to trust or how to unpack it all and to find our self’s we don’t even know where to turn we try so hard and yet we cant even do that because the resources are not there for us to reach out i just found a new group i can use and i still don’t trust that to use and well its something that can be useful to me for long term its a open space to open up and vent and say what ever you want and not be judged for anything you say but i still don’t feel safe i don’t feel like i can use this space and feel safe enough to open up to everyone this is my issue but its all about learning to trust my inner self and people around me again ive been fucked up so many times and lied and cheated that its hard to learn to love, trust, and understand true love, supports, and efforts its all about if you can accept your self first and then work on you for you i can seem to find the desire to accept me for me i cant I’ve been bad over the years and I’ve hurt far to many people and i lied and cheated people that i have to get it out on paper to its not something iam proud off or am i wanting to talk about but i have to do something about it or iam going to go end up 6 feet below the earth surface and we all know what i mean iam having a rough issues with coping with life i was sexually abused at a young age and then i was bullied all my life with a over bite and well its hard on a persons mental health over the years and then it just sticks with you and it plays tricks on you over and over now i have ptsd and other issues as i wake up in a pool of sweat i suffer not only with pain but the meatal aspects and it sucks

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Published by: Brent Dempsey

Brent Dempsey's Portfolio About Me: Hello! I'm Brent Dempsey, a 31-year-old passionate advocate for health, mental well-being, and disability rights. Despite being in a wheelchair, I believe in living life to the fullest and empowering others to do the same. For the past two and a half years, I've been battling blood cancer, facing challenges head-on with the love and support of my community. Content Focus: Health Blogs: Sharing insights, tips, and personal experiences related to health and wellness. Legal Advocacy: Exploring disability rights, navigating legal issues, and sharing resources for those in need. Mental Health Awareness: Discussing the importance of mental health, strategies for coping, and breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness. Podcast: Hosting open discussions, interviews, and sharing stories to inspire and inform listeners. Blog Posts: "Overcoming Obstacles: My Journey with Disability" "Understanding PTSD: Breaking the Silence" "Legal Rights for the Disabled: A Guide to Advocacy" "The Power of Positivity: Cultivating Mental Wellness" "Navigating the Healthcare System: Tips for Patients with Disabilities" Podcast Episodes: Episode 1: "Embracing Resilience" Episode 2: "Mental Health Matters" Episode 3: "Legal Insights: Disability Rights and Advocacy" Episode 4: "Wellness in Motion" Episode 5: "Community Connections" Get in Touch: Email: Let's Connect: I'm always eager to collaborate, share stories, and amplify voices within the disability community and beyond. Whether you're interested in contributing to my blog, being a guest on the podcast, or simply connecting, I'd love to hear from you!

Categories ADDICTION, bloganuary, books, daily post, Demoncrossroads Podcast, drugs, general, health, lawsuit, life, mental-healthTags, , , , , , , , , , , , Leave a comment

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