Please check out this post

This is a post from happy tails

This is a well done post from happy tails and they did a great job please like and share

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Published by: Brent Dempsey

Brent Dempsey's Portfolio About Me: Hello! I'm Brent Dempsey, a 31-year-old passionate advocate for health, mental well-being, and disability rights. Despite being in a wheelchair, I believe in living life to the fullest and empowering others to do the same. For the past two and a half years, I've been battling blood cancer, facing challenges head-on with the love and support of my community. Content Focus: Health Blogs: Sharing insights, tips, and personal experiences related to health and wellness. Legal Advocacy: Exploring disability rights, navigating legal issues, and sharing resources for those in need. Mental Health Awareness: Discussing the importance of mental health, strategies for coping, and breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness. Podcast: Hosting open discussions, interviews, and sharing stories to inspire and inform listeners. Blog Posts: "Overcoming Obstacles: My Journey with Disability" "Understanding PTSD: Breaking the Silence" "Legal Rights for the Disabled: A Guide to Advocacy" "The Power of Positivity: Cultivating Mental Wellness" "Navigating the Healthcare System: Tips for Patients with Disabilities" Podcast Episodes: Episode 1: "Embracing Resilience" Episode 2: "Mental Health Matters" Episode 3: "Legal Insights: Disability Rights and Advocacy" Episode 4: "Wellness in Motion" Episode 5: "Community Connections" Get in Touch: Email: Let's Connect: I'm always eager to collaborate, share stories, and amplify voices within the disability community and beyond. Whether you're interested in contributing to my blog, being a guest on the podcast, or simply connecting, I'd love to hear from you!

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4 thoughts on “Please check out this post”

    1. no thank you so much you did a wonderful job on my post and i can’t ask for a well written post /blong and now all i need is people to be pushed this way so they can read it and or on yours whatever works it don’t matter to me said news i have a update last week i had been going through a rough time and i had tried to kill myself and the reason i did something as stupid as that was i felt like a failure and i felt like i was looking i had nobody to talk to not even my family was around i went to mental health and they told me that they could not help me unless i had a addiction or a booze issue i straight up looked at them and told them thats fucking messed up and sad that they can’t help someone who is in distress so i went to the hospital and they told me to go home i did not look like i was in distress i looked like i was wanting attention and i wanted pain meds i said no i’m fucking waiting help or i’m gonna end up killing myself and well nobody listened to my cry outs for help that night i took 90 caps of my chemo meds and well i nearly died i was unconscious when the cops showed up they put me in handcuffs while the paramedics where on there way meanwhile i out cold my mother said to the cops take the cuffs off me they said they can’t do that because if i wake up and try do harm myself anymore or get mad and start getting violent they would have to restrain me and so on anyways i am here today to tell you i’m in a better mind frame and i getting better and the help i need … so the drs need to open there ears and hear my cry and listen to me because all they have done is not listen to me whatsoever and walk away for the past 2 and half fucking years and i’m tired of it …. i’ve worked hard for everything i’ve ever gotten in my life i’ve worked for past 15 years and all my bachelor degree and so on spent thousands’ of dollars on tools and courses and i feel like i did it all for nothing you know but we will see it all in time what it will do and who and what will happen with my cancer and all that

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My heart goes out to you and your loved ones Brent. I wish I had solutions or perfect words. Please know that you are not alone as you can see by the kind replies to your guest blog post at my website


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