Surviving a Life-Threatening Hemothorax: My Hospital Ordeal

so basically it hit my lungs i ended up having a hemothorax meaning my lungs filled with blood before blowing up and collapsing witch made this 10 times more painful make this all ten times worst situation going into the hospital the night for it they told me it was a blood Clott great cool gave me blood thinners but knowing this wasn’t my concern it was the trouble i was about to be in the next day … the next day came going into the hospital to get ready to be shipped out for a CT scan as where i live don’t have a ct scanner and well i live in a Rual area and well we can’t afford devices where rich city’s have these tools for them always there for them next place that has it is 3 hrs away in a city from me anyways going into the hospital i ended up missing the ct because i was in so much pain and i could not drive down in this pain in the hospital i go to see the new dr well the dr ask why am i there i told him spitting up blood i was chewing blood Clotts at this point and it was really bad and hyperventilating really bad he’s like yeah that’s normal he did not do any further investigations he told me we gave you blood thinners last night it will start to work break down the blood Clott in your lung and you will be ok well you know he said go home and rest well i did i did just that .. wrong mistake dr made sending me home and wrong mistake for me leaving i should of stay i had mins to live i had to rush to the next hospital over 45 to see another dr where he did x-rays right away pulled blood work and knew right away what he had to do well that’s when he knew i had to get a chest tube put into me and i was air left to higher level of care for 3 weeks i was hospitalized for because of this drs mistake and i say dr but will say drs because i see there’s more then drs on this now and i i have a clear shot at a lawsuit but is it worth it in the end Iam to sick to fight for my own health little alone for something i haven’t gotten yet, Iam dealing with enough health issues as it is i have a lot of health issues including seizure’s witch is a disorder called conversion disorder and i have PTSD and depression along with that i have anxiety and they think i have Mutiple persons disorder and i feel like they have lost their ways and now they are just assuming because my left side weakness is really bad my leg is so weak i can barely stand on its own little alone be able to walk long distances and places i have been toughing it out as much as i can when i can but the more i do the worst my leg gets and weaker my left side i try so hard to make it to the next day and i know that every day is a new day and that it is a new start but sometimes it’s hard to wake up and just start over and wake up and smile putting up that fake smile is what is the hardest point of everything that is going forward the pain yes i deal with this daily but you know no pain killer or any medication is going to help me Iam on high dose as it is and it gas done nothing for me so far and its done nothing an dwell the more we add the more we get me used to the drugs what is the point of this why do we keep adding more drugs why do we even do it so fuck it stop doing it and just forget about it and fight the pain suffer and try my best to not break down somehow come off the narcotic’s and not take them anymore as the drs have me addicted to them now and made me prone to the drugs as they have made my body tolerate to it i have no choice and couldn’t even have a say in as i was a drug lab test all while i was in hospital fighting for my life now i have to file for a law suit and see what happens and see if i have a full case for my lawyers to take the case on witch i know i have a enough evidence on the drs who nearly killed me for sending me home and while this was happening i had to drive myself to another hospital while i couldn’t breathe or i was fading out i by the time i got to the other hospital i was so sick and weak and dizzy i collapsed pretty much at the doors of the ER doors and i needed help right away or i was going to die soon as they did x-rays they knew i was in trouble and i needed surgery then i had to be airlifted out after i was stable once the chest tube was put in then i had to have surgery again once i got to Cambell river bc hospital where i spent 3 weeks in icu fighting for my life and i tell u what that was scary time and it was a hard time of my life trying to fight back to snap back from that one it took me out and i don’t wish that on anyone that was a bad feeling

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