Save My Soul

Save My Soul

Verse 1: Gone by day
And gone by night
It’s not an easy road
But it leads you to light
It’s winding now, someday it’ll straighten out
And it’s worth it on the other side
When it brings that city down

Chorus: You only get one shot, everything to lose
Lord, take me now, I’m broken and bruised
Can you save my soul cause I need you
Cause I need you

Verse 2: I’m no good and I’m no saint
I won’t pretend to be somebody I ain’t
I’ve been in love and fell out of it too
And it’s been hard to trust again
And feel the way I do

Chorus: You only get one shot, everything to lose
Lord, take me now, I’m broken and bruised
Can you save my soul cause I need you
Cause I need you

Verse 3: I have seen some people in a pew
Stand up on that pedestal
And look down at me and you
I’m not perfect and I never claimed to be
And I’m so glad the good Lord is making time for me

Chorus: You only get one shot, everything to lose
Lord, take me now, I’m broken and bruised
Can you save my soul cause I need you
Cause I need you

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Published by: Brent Dempsey

Brent Dempsey's Portfolio About Me: Hello! I'm Brent Dempsey, a 31-year-old passionate advocate for health, mental well-being, and disability rights. Despite being in a wheelchair, I believe in living life to the fullest and empowering others to do the same. For the past two and a half years, I've been battling blood cancer, facing challenges head-on with the love and support of my community. Content Focus: Health Blogs: Sharing insights, tips, and personal experiences related to health and wellness. Legal Advocacy: Exploring disability rights, navigating legal issues, and sharing resources for those in need. Mental Health Awareness: Discussing the importance of mental health, strategies for coping, and breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness. Podcast: Hosting open discussions, interviews, and sharing stories to inspire and inform listeners. Blog Posts: "Overcoming Obstacles: My Journey with Disability" "Understanding PTSD: Breaking the Silence" "Legal Rights for the Disabled: A Guide to Advocacy" "The Power of Positivity: Cultivating Mental Wellness" "Navigating the Healthcare System: Tips for Patients with Disabilities" Podcast Episodes: Episode 1: "Embracing Resilience" Episode 2: "Mental Health Matters" Episode 3: "Legal Insights: Disability Rights and Advocacy" Episode 4: "Wellness in Motion" Episode 5: "Community Connections" Get in Touch: Email: Let's Connect: I'm always eager to collaborate, share stories, and amplify voices within the disability community and beyond. Whether you're interested in contributing to my blog, being a guest on the podcast, or simply connecting, I'd love to hear from you!

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